The month of August has been a rough one for me.

I know I am a horrible person mostly because I have no friends. I don’t know how to connect with people and those I seem to connect with don’t stay long. I try very hard to be personable but don’t have a lot of examples to follow so most of the time I think I come off as standoffish and snobbish. I understand this so I don’t try to inflict others with my presents very much.

I need somewhere to vent but also need some feedback. I can vent here but don’t get any feedback. I have tried various Facebook Groups but I think even on paper I come across in a negative way and just get dumped on for things I am not even thinking when I type.

Trump is a grifter and is always pushing the boundaries of the law. He hates being and admitting that he is wrong about anything. I am continually surprised that anyone believes anything he says and think that he is the second christ. Every time he or most Republicans open their mouths they are spewing falsehoods about the Democrats. The Republicans are the ones trying very hard to erode ours freedoms and make this country into a Third World Fascist Nation. Please, please wake up tot he corruption and greed coming from the right.